Home - Tip Top Hair

Tip Top Wigs stock quality wigs, 34 wigs, extensions, ponytails and more. Available in a range of colours from blonde, brown and black to blue and red.


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We found that the main page on tiptophair.net took one thousand three hundred and eleven milliseconds to load. I could not observe a SSL certificate, so therefore our crawlers consider this site not secure.
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Home - Tip Top Hair


Tip Top Wigs stock quality wigs, 34 wigs, extensions, ponytails and more. Available in a range of colours from blonde, brown and black to blue and red.


This domain states the following, "Long Wavy Blonde Wig - 24." Our analyzers observed that the web site said " Wavy Dark Brown Half Wig - 24." The Website also stated " Extra Long Wavy Brown And Blonde Wig - 22. Long Dark Brown Half Wig With Loose Curls - 29. Wavy Butterscotch Blonde And Pale Blonde Half Wig - 23. Extra Long Curly Blonde Half Wig - 23. 32 Extra Long Layered Auburn And Wine Red Wig - 39. Long Blond Side Parting Wig - 29. Long Curly Brown Half Wig - 23. Long Brown And Ash Blond Face Frame Wig - 29." The website's header had wigs as the most important keyword. It was followed by blonde wigs, extra long wigs, and alopecia which isn't as highly ranked as wigs. The next words the site uses is party wigs. burlesque wigs was also included and could not be seen by search crawlers.



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